FAQ - Questions & Answers

How long does shipping take?

We do everything we can to ensure that you receive your order as quickly as possible. The goods are handed over to our delivery partners every day and are usually delivered within 1-2 working days within Austria .

We also indicate the respective shipping times on the individual product pages. After you have placed your order, you will receive a tracking number from us so that you can track your package so that you can view the progress of your order at any time.

Where can you buy your coffee locally?

A selection of our coffee specialties is available at the following locations in Vienna, Carinthia and Styria:

's Fachl Vienna
Alserstraße 43
1080 Vienna

's Fachl Wien-Mitte
(NEW from 03.03.2025)
Landstraßer Hauptstraße 108
1030 Vienna

's Fachl Villach Atrio
(NEW from February 20, 2025)

Kärntner Straße 34
9500 Villach

Holzkistl Center West
Weblinger Gürtel 25
8054 Graz

How and where do you roast?

Our coffee is roasted exclusively in the traditional way with beech wood in a drum roaster , in separate quantities of 60kg each .

Beechwood roasting creates a natural, dry heat and enhances the aromas in the beans. The result is less acid in the coffee, a soft and mild taste and more crema (coffee foam).

The costs of roasting with beech wood are about twice as high as roasting with electricity or gas, but the quality of the product is superior to all others.

Our family-run roastery is located in northern Italy, about 40 km northeast of Venice. Once or twice a month we bring the fresh coffee beans to our warehouses in Vienna and Hagenbrunn .

Does the wood fire affect the coffee beans?

The natural heat that the wood fire gives off is important because, like with a gas roaster, the wood flame has no direct path to the bean.

Roasting coffee with gas heaters results in a moist heat, whereas with electric heaters it results in a very dry heat. Wood produces a natural, dry heat and enhances the aromas in the beans. The result is less acid in the coffee , a softer and milder taste and more crema (coffee foam).

The main difference between wood and conventional gas and electric roasters is the quality of the wood heat and the roasting time . While conventional roasters need about 15 to 18 minutes (industrial roasters at 900 degrees only need 2 minutes), drum roasters with wood fire take up to 25 minutes .

The moisture in the beech wood creates what is known as gentle heat, stopping the drying phase of roasting. This extends the entire roasting process, preserving the natural lipids inside and leaving significantly more natural oil in the beans themselves.

What does 'Stile Veneziano' stand for?

All green coffee varieties are roasted separately because each coffee variety has its own characteristics depending on the country of origin and coffee farm.

The blending takes place after roasting and is called cold blending or Stile Veneziano .

Wie funktioniert das neue Kundenkonto?

Wir haben alle Kundenkonten auf das 'neue Kundenkonto' umgestellt.

Ab sofort benötigst du zum Einloggen kein eigenes Passwort mehr, du gibst bei der Anmeldung einfach deine Email Adresse an und bekommst automatisch eine Email mit einem Code zum Einloggen zugesandt. (Der Code ist für 15min gültig).

Diese Methode erleichtert den Zugriff und die Erstellung deines Kundenkonto und erhöht außerdem die Sicherheit.

In deinem Kundenkonto kannst du dein Profil bearbeiten, mehrere Adressen anlegen und verwalten, sowie alle deine bisherigen Bestellungen übersichtlich einsehen.

Solltest du noch kein Kundenkonto haben, wird mit dieser Methode automatisch ein Kundenkonto für dich erstellt, es ist also keine eigene Konto-Erstellung bzw. Registrierung mehr notwendig.

Do you have any further questions?

Do you have any questions about your order?
Do you need help choosing?
Or do you have other concerns?

We are happy to help you.

Contact us via the contact form or as follows:

T +43 664 99700685
E shop@caffedelgianni.at